Do You Have Questions?

A list of frequently asked questions to help you understand how it works.

1. What types of startups is PLAI looking for?

PLAI is seeking startups that are pioneering innovative uses of generative AI across various industries. We have specific calls for startups in education, new media and digital advertising, retail, and books and publishing. Whether you have a disruptive idea, an MVP, or an active project, if your vision utilizes generative AI to solve real-world problems and can scale significantly, we want to hear from you.

Accelerator call apply here.

Scale-up call apply here.

2. Do I need to be incorporated to apply to PLAI?

It is not necessary to be incorporated at the time of your application. However, if you are selected to participate in one of PLAI’s programs, you will need to be legally incorporated before the program starts. This ensures that you are fully prepared to engage with all aspects of the accelerator, including funding and contractual agreements.

3. How does Scaleup program differ from Accelerator program?

At PLAI, our Scale Up and Accelerator call cater to startups at different stages of development with tailored support structures:

  • Scaleup program: This program is specifically designed for startups that have moved beyond the initial concept phase and have a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It provides a €40,000 grant along with workshops and mentoring focused on refining product-market fit and expansion strategies. A key feature of this program is its integration with the Mondadori ecosystem, Italy’s premier publisher and a major retail force with an extensive network of bookstores and a strong multimedia presence. This connection offers startups direct access to an influential cultural and digital landscape, aiding in significant market penetration and scaling efforts.
  • Accelerator program: Aimed at early-stage startups or ideas, this program offers €100,000 for 7% equity, to help transform innovative concepts into tangible prototypes or MVPs. Participants receive intensive mentoring and access to workshops that help refine their business models. This program serves as a launchpad, providing startups with the necessary resources, expertise, and connections to rapidly advance towards commercial readiness and success.

Both programs harness PLAI’s full-stack approach, which includes comprehensive mentorship and strategic development, but they are tailored to support startups at different points in their entrepreneurial journey, from ideation to scale.

4. How does PLAI support its startups?

Joining PLAI provides startups with access to a robust ecosystem, including mentorship from industry experts, strategic fundraising support, and the opportunity for international expansion. Our accelerator helps you refine your business model, develop your product, and prepare for a successful market launch and future growth.

5. What type of mentoring does PLAI provide?

PLAI offers tailored mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and technical experts. This includes one-on-one coaching, workshops, and continuous support throughout the program to address specific challenges and growth opportunities.

6. What kind of workshop can we expect from PLAI?

Startups at PLAI benefit from mentorship by industry leaders and experts in technology, business, and investment. This includes one-on-one sessions, workshops, and continuous guidance tailored to your specific needs and challenges. PLAI offers an intensive 50+ hour workshop designed to provide actionable insights and real-world skills tailored to each batch of startups. These workshops are an integral part of our accelerator program, focusing on the application of generative AI technologies in various sectors, and equipping participants with the necessary tools to drive innovation and growth in their projects

7. What are the benefits of joining PLAI?

Joining PLAI provides startups with access to a robust ecosystem, including mentorship from industry experts, strategic fundraising support, and the opportunity for international expansion. Our accelerator helps you refine your business model, develop your product, and prepare for a successful market launch and future growth.

As part of our collaboration with Mondadori, startups benefit from integration into Italy’s leading publishing network. Mondadori is the top publisher in Italy, with a significant presence in the trade book market, educational publishing, and a robust retail network that includes over 500 bookstores across the nation. This connection provides startups with unique opportunities for visibility, collaboration, and access to a vast cultural and commercial network. Mondadori’s reach extends into multimedia, digital platforms, and social media, offering startups comprehensive exposure and engagement opportunities in both traditional and digital media landscapes.

8. Are there any geographical restrictions for applying to PLAI?

While PLAI is based in Italy, we encourage applications from all over the globe. Our mission is to foster a diverse community of innovative thinkers who are ready to make a significant impact in the generative AI space.

9. How do I apply to PLAI, and what is the application process like?

To apply to PLAI, startups need to select the relevant call for applications on our F6S page (Acceleration and Scale-up) and submit their application online. The process includes providing information about your startup, the team, and your technology.

10. How does play evaluate applications ?

We evaluate applications based on several criteria: the innovative nature of the technology, the potential market impact, scalability, team strength, and the alignment of the project with our targeted startup calls. Startup can be incorporated or not

11. What happens after completing the batch?

Upon completion, startups are expected to have achieved significant milestones such as MVP refinement, market validation, improvement of your product market fit or readiness for other investment. PLAI reserver the possibility of a €500k follow-on investment on selected startups.

12. How is PLAI different from other accelerators?

PLAI stands apart due to its specialized focus on generative AI and its integral role within the Mondadori Group, a leading force in Italy’s publishing and media sectors. Being part of such a prominent organization provides PLAI with unparalleled industry insights, extensive network connections, and robust resources.

13. When does the first batch start, and what are the key dates?

The first batch of PLAI’s accelerator program is set to begin in October 2024. Selection Day for the program will take place in September 2024. Make sure to submit your application by the deadline on July 30, 2024, to be considered for this exciting opportunity.

14. Is it necessary to move to Milan to participate in PLAI's programs?

Participation in PLAI’s programs can be fully remote; however, relocating to Milan is highly recommended. Being in Milan allows you to maximize the benefits of the program, including networking opportunities, direct mentorship, and access to local resources and events that can significantly enhance your startup’s growth and exposure in the industry.